Privacy Policy

A. Introduction

1.The privacy of our website visitors is very important to us and we are committed to protecting it. Politics explains how we will use your personal information.
2. Your consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of our policy during your first visit to the site allows us to use cookies every time you visit our site.

B. Collection of personal information

The types of personal information can be collected, stored and used are:

  1. Information on your visits and the use of the site including the external source, the duration of the visit, the page views and the navigation route to the site?
  2. Information such as your email address, which you enter when registering on the site.
  3. Information you enter when creating your profile on our site – for example, your name, gender, date of birth.
  4. Information you enter when using services on our site.
  5. Information on your purchases, the services you use and the transactions you make on the site, which include your name, address, phone number, email address and credit card information.
  6. Information contained in any communication with us by email or through the site, including communication content and metadata.
  7. Any other personal information you send us.

Before revealing any personal information of a third person, you should have the consent of this person about the disclosure and processing of his / her personal information, in accordance with this Policy..

C. Use of your personal information

The personal information submitted to us is used for the purposes defined by this policy on the relevant pages of the site. We can use the personal information for the following purposes:

  1. Management of our site and business.
  2. Personalized configuration of the site for you.
  3. Send the products you buy through our website.
  4. Send invoices, reminders of payment to you, as well as collection of payments from you.
  5. Αποστολή ειδοποιήσεων μέσω email σχετικά με τα αιτήματά σας.
  6. Send notifications by email regarding your requests.
  7. Management of requests and complaints that you have submitted or related to our site.
  8. Other uses.

We will not channel your personal information without your consent to any third party or to any third party trading section.

D. Notification of personal information

We can share your personal information to any of our employees, executives, insurers, or professional advisers, representatives of our suppliers or subcontractors as required for the purposes of this Policy.


E .Διατήρηση προσωπικών δεδομένων

Section E defines the process and policy of maintaining personal data, designed to ensure compliance with our legal obligations on the maintenance and deletion of personal data.

We will maintain documents (including electronic documents) containing personal data.

  1. to the extent required by law.
  2. If we consider that documents may be related to any legal procedure in force and
  3. with the aim of consolidating, exercising or defending our legal rights.


F. Security of your personal data

  1. We will take the necessary precautions at a technical and organizational level to prevent loss, misuse or deterioration of your personal data.
  2. You are responsible to keep the code you use confidential, we will not ask you for your password (only when you connect to our site).

 G. Cookies

Our site uses cookies. A cookie is a identifying file  sent via a server and stored in the browser. The identifying file is sent back to the server whenever the traveler requests a page from the server. Cookies can be either “permanent” or “connection” cookies: a permanent cookie is stored in the browser and remains in force until his expiration date, unless deleted earlier by the user, a login cookie, on the other hand, will expire by the end of the user’s connection.

The exclusion of all cookies will have a negative effect on the functionality of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features of your site.